Saturday, July 28, 2018

Create and Share Literature Based Activities Using Microsoft Tools!

The following activities can be used for group or independent work in the early elementary classroom, but with changes could be elevated to higher grades.

These Gingerbread activities were created using PowerPoint, OneNote, and Flipgrid. The Activities are shared with the class using OneNote.

In the first activity you will start with a shared reading of The Gingerbread Boy and then complete the character/story sequence map. 

This Character/Sequencing map was created in OneNote, I then used Print Screen to save it as an image that could be added to OneNote. (This is helpful for me because sometime my littles have difficulty if there are too many moving pieces.) Images added to OneNote can be locked to background...right click, select picture, set picture as background. The next step will be adding images  of characters into the page, students will be able to drag images into the desired circle.

As students place the images in the correct space they can use audio record (found under the insert tab in OneNote) to record a quote from the character, or simply state the sequence and name of the character (i.e. First the little old woman and the little old man ran after the gingerbread man.)

After reading a collection of Gingerbread Stories discuss how they are similar and different (could share ideas on Flipgrid). Next create a class graph by collecting data and showing which story is the favorite.

This Gingerbread house can be used to create a custom graph.  Create a table in OneNote, add photos from the desired books, and collect data!

Repetition and pattern can be helpful for pre/beginning readers. In this activity the students are provided with a story pattern, students just add a character to the end of the sentence. In this case a closing sentence was  also created by the students. 

This activity can be extended by having students extend the sentences in their journals adding illustrations, and perhaps even making a class book (digital journals, OneNote, paper pencil...whatever works best for your students). 

Depending on ability level and access to technology this could be a whole group, small group, or independent activity. If done in a group setting students might enjoy rereading the passage independently. Immersive Reader could be used for assistance in mastering the passage, and audio record could be used  to show fluency.

Continue the conversation using Flipgrid!
Flipgrid is a website that allows educators to create grids and topics for engaging conversation and collaboration!

If you haven't already set up a Flipgrid account you'll need to start there, next step create a grid, finally add a topic to your grid. You can add the Flipgrid topic that I created to your grid, or create your own. (Follow this link Save Your Ginger Breadfriends to add the topic to your own grid.)

Haven't used Flipgrid and want to experiment? Feel free to respond to this grid. (Password: Storybook)

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Ten Frames for PowerPoint or OneNote

A Ten Frame can be a great tool when helping students to understand number.  The Ten Frames shared here are by no means a complete set, but they can get you started (I have included a slide in which you can easily add an equation of your choice by typing or with digital ink).

These slides can be used in PPT or OneNote for whole or small group instruction, by sharing on a white board, or added to class notebook for independent work. 

In this example a slide has been added to OneNote and circles were used as counters.

In this example the "blank slide" was added to OneNote and duplicated so that a fact family could be discussed. Inking was used to add the equations and fill the ten frames. (don't forget you can lock the slides to the background in OneNote so that they don't move around.)

Monday, July 16, 2018

Take Graphs and Anchor Charts to the Next Level With OneNote

When you create graphs and anchor charts in OneNote, not only do students have the ability to use digital inking, they can record their voice too!

The OneNote pages in this post were created/used in OneNote for Win10, there are differences between OneNote 2016 and OneNote for Win10...but they can be used interchangeably. For more info: What's The Difference Between OneNote and OneNote 2016

First Day Jitters is one of my favorite back to school books. There are so many great activities to use with it...and adding OneNote can take those great activities to the next level!

In Kindergarten I would complete these  First Day Jitters activities in a whole/small group setting with guided discussions. 

First Day Jitters Character Discussion:
Prepare your page by adding a Title/Sentence Starter and Question if desired. I drew a picture of the character, however other options would be to have a student/students draw the character, or add a photo of the character to OneNote.

Since this activity would be part of our "First Days of School" activities most of my students would not be ready to write in complete sentences; however the majority have the ability to express their thought by speaking in complete sentences. As students generate ideas they can be added to the character discussion chart and their voice can be recorded. 

The option to record audio can be found under the Insert Tab. Place your curser in the are you would like the recording to show, and then click audio to begin recording. The recording can be moved when finished if needed. For more info: Record Audio or Video Notes

Recording student voices certainly adds an element of fun to the activity, but it also helps students make a connection between spoken and written words. 

First Day Jitters Graph and Discussion:
Prepare the graph by adding a table with the desired number of cells to your OneNote page. The option to insert a table can be found under the Insert Tab. Change the width of the cells by dragging the edges outward, change the height of the cells by highlighting the cells and enlarging font size. For more info: Insert a Table in OneNote For Win10 or Insert Table (OneNote 2016)

Students can select their favorite color of highlighter to mark their response on the graph (the highlighter works well because of it's width, it fills the space in nicely.) If you have students add their responses in a small group setting or have them come for one on one time, you might want them to record their reason for marking yes or no on the graph.  The opportunity to verbalize and discuss feelings helps students feel valued and can lead to a positive classroom environment.

Another idea...that just occurred to me. Share your graph results with students from another school..communicate using Skype or Flipgrid and allow students to share the reasons for their responses.

I will have a OneNote Notebook ready to share very soon, to provide more interactive examples with OneNote.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Today's Number and OneNote

These resources can be used with OneNote for Whole Group Instruction / Calendar Time / Number Talks, etc.
If you or your students are new to OneNote these ideas could be just what you need to get started.

Start by adding the desired page or pages to OneNote Notebook.
    The templates I'm sharing have been saved as pdf.
    Open the desired file, select pint, and choose print to OneNote -or-
    Save the desired file, open OneNote, go to insert, click the file, insert pdf
Open OneNote and project to your interactive whiteboard. Once you have done this you can work through the Todays Number pages by allowing students to take turns filling in the answers on the interactive whiteboard, or students could work along on their own devices in OneNote Class Notebook, if devices are available.

These pages were opened in OneNote Win10...because we love the special pens!!

Option 1
The rainbow pen is always a favorite!
 Option 2
The rainbow pen is fun but the galley pen is pretty cool too!
Option 3
The pencil design was chosen from stickers within OneNote.

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Teaching Math--Show What You Know With Sway

The Sway featured in this post was created in a class with only 4 iPads.  First grade students were divided into groups, they worked together to solve math equations, students then took turns using the iPads to photograph and load their work into the Sway. (Because of the limited number of devices all iPads were logged into my account. Logging in and out would have been quite time consuming, additionally iPad apps are designed for single user use and logging in and out can be tricky.)

After the Sway was completed students discussed and shared their math equations. The Sway was also shared with parents via email, and Class Dojo.

For more information check this out: Getting Started With Sway
OR check out the great resources that can be found in the Microsoft Educator Community.

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

"Prepare Your Sentence" Writing Prompt for OneNote

"Prepare Your Sentence" writing prompts can be used in
Power Point or the slides can be added to OneNote!

I teach kindergarten so these slides will be added to our Daily Practice OneNote Notebook. We use this notebook for whole group and small group instruction/collaboration...students dictate sentence ideas and I model the writing, when students are ready we will transition to independent writing. By adding these or other prompts to OneNote Class Notebook a writing journal could be created for each student!

Not sure how to add documents to OneNote? 
Adding Power Point presentations, photos, or other documents to OneNote is easy! 

Print To One Note: Open the document you would like to add. Click on File, select print, and where the printer is specified choose OneNote. Just like that your document is printed to OneNote.

Insert File Printout: Open OneNote and locate the section and page where you would like the document to be added. Click on the insert tab (one of the tabs in the top ribbon), choose File Printout. You will then be prompted to choose the file you would like to add.

Monday, July 9, 2018

Base Ten Practice for OneNote #ElemMIE

I LOVE Microsoft!
For real guys...OneNote, Sway...Microsoft is where it's at...BUT I teach Kindergarten and I've not found much being shared about using Microsoft in the early grades. So last year I purchased the book Google Apps For Littles, by Christine Pinto & Alice Keeler, and I started following #GAFE4Littles on Twitter. I've learned a lot from the book and the Twitter community!

Next step...take what I've learned and start creating and sharing ideas for using Microsoft O365 in early childhood/elementary classrooms.  My hope is that by sharing my ideas others will share theirs and we can create our own #ElemMIE community on Twitter.  There is nothing quite like the support of a strong PLN!

What I'm sharing today is simple and could be used for grades K-2 (maybe older). The Slides can be used directly from Power Point, however my plan is to print the slides to OneNote (add base 10 block clip art) and use as part of our daily math lessons/small groups. This will give students the opportunity to use OneNote and experience the technology while learning a vital math skill.
(Additionally parents can access OneNote for at home practice.) 

Base Ten Practice
(Download a copy, save as, and you should be able to edit as needed.)