Thursday, September 22, 2016

Dot Day

On September 15 my first graders and I celebrated “Dot Day”,  a day inspired by the book The Dot.  The Dot is a story about believing in yourself, having the courage to create, and inspiring others to discover their own creativity.  While the official “Dot Day” has come and gone there has never been a wrong time to celebrate the courage to create!

I planned to keep our celebration to one day, but we wound up celebrating for two. Next year I’ll probably take a full week to celebrate “Dot Day” incorporating other books and activities that inspire a growth-mindset.  Here I am sharing some of the activities that we completed along with links to other ideas and resources.

Coffee Filter Dots

Symmetry Art With Coffee Filters                                                        

Science for Kids: Chromatography                                                         

Coffee Filter Art the Tie Dye Effect

These are our finished Dots…

Design A Dot

3D Dot Designs
My firsties were hesitant about getting started on this activity, but once they got going they loved it!  Next time I may incorporate measurement into the activity, asking students to measure the strips used on the art pieces.

Dot Day Sentence Starter
You see a dot, but I see a ___________________.

Every Celebration needs a why not wind things up by decorating and eating sugar cookies!

Pinterest-Dot Day

Please share your “Dot Day” ideas!!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

PTA Reflections and STEAM Can Go Hand and Hand

It’s time to start thinking about Reflections!

“PTA Reflections is a nationally acclaimed student recognition program to encourage artistic creativity in the classroom and at home. Students of all grades and abilities may participate and explore the arts based on the 2016-2017 theme: What Is Your Story?” (For more details about the reflections program visit the PTA Website)

It can be hard to make time for why not make Reflections part of the lesson!!  This year's theme can be easily integrated into your STEAM classroom.  Here are a few ideas:

What Is Your Story

Visual Arts:
Discuss the ways art can tell a story!

“Narrative Art tells a story. It uses the power of the visual image to ignite imaginations, evoke emotions and capture universal cultural truths and aspirations. What distinguishes Narrative Art from other genres is its ability to narrate a story across diverse cultures, preserving it for future generations.”  Lucas Museum of Narrative Art

Links to Narrative Art:

Smithsonian: Unbound: Narrative Art of the Plains

Some of the information on this site could be helpful in the discussion of creating narrative art:

Digital Arts: 18 Tips for telling a story through artwork

(Narrative art can be viewed as art in motions as it progresses through the story, this thought can lead to science discussion)

Science Connection   Discuss narrative art as art in motion and connect to motion in the physical world. These Pinterest boards have some great ideas for exploring force of motion.

Narrative Writing
Use wordless picture books along with narrative picture books to talk about planning and preparing to write a personal narrative that tells your story.

The following blog post shares ideas for using wordless picture books to teach narrative writing using one of my favorite books.

Books that can be used to teach personal narrative:
A Chair For My Mother
(The following 3 books could also be integrated into life science)
Memories of a Goldfish
Our Tree Named Steve

These are just a few ideas to get you thinking, I know you’ll be able to come up with many more!!

While the entry should not be graded by the classroom teacher activities leading up to the final work could be graded (and sometimes kids learn the most from the things that aren’t done for a grade).

Saturday, September 3, 2016

STEAM Bears and Berries Unit

The following is an outline of activities that could be part of a STEAM Bears and Berries Unit, many of the activities were inspired by ideas found on Pinterest (links are included). Some, but not all, of the Okla state standards addressed through these activities have been added. I teach 1st grade so the standards are for first grade, but could be adapted for other grades.

Literature Selections:
Blueberries for Sal
The Little Mouse, The Big Hungry Bear, and the Red Ripe Strawberry
Brown Bear, Brown Bear
We’re Going On a Bear Hunt

Brown Bear, Brown Bear:
Retell story with sentence strips 1.2.R.3 Students will sequence the events/plot (i.e., beginning, middle, and end) of a story or text. 1.5.R.3 Students will recognize color and number adjectives.
Students will extend the story by creating and writing about their own animals, using descriptive color words. 1.5.R.3 Students will recognize color and number adjectives. 1.5.W.1 Students will capitalize: ● the first letter of a sentence
Blueberries for Sal: Making Predictions
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt: Cause and Effect chart (similar to this)
Sequencing: Map Making and Sequencing Cards 1.2.R.3 Students will sequence the events/plot (i.e., beginning, middle, and end) of a story or text.
1.2R1 Students will retell or reenact major events in a text, focusing on important details to recognize the main idea
Identity initial, medial, final sounds, and syllables discuss how this creates rhythm.
Identify rhyming words & record on chart paper
intro # words
Red Ripe Strawberry: Sequence (worksheet), Retell (oral retell with picture clues) 1.2R1 Students will retell or reenact major events in a text, focusing on important details to recognize the main idea
I would disguise my strawberry as_______
1.5.W.1 Students will capitalize: ● the first letter of a sentence

Subitizing Blueberries 1.N.1.1 Recognize numbers to 20 without counting (subitize) the quantity of structured arrangements.
Count and Tally Berries Students will be given different types of "berries" (pompoms or beads) to sort and count. The total of each type of berry will be represented with tally marks. 1N1.3 and 1N1.1,Model & Write Numbers to 40
Blue Berry/Berry Addition Share addition and subtraction stories, using manipulatives to solve. Related assignment will be given for independent work in centers.
Blueberry, Strawberry Graph Students will taste both types of berries, make their own representation of their favorite and add it to the graph. 1.D.1.1 Collect, sort, and organize data in up to three categories using representations (e.g., tally marks, tables, Venn diagrams). 1.D.1.2 Use data to create picture and bar-type graphs to demonstrate one-to-one correspondence. 1.D.1.3 Draw conclusions from picture and bar-type graphs.
Counting and Weighing “Berries” Students will count colored pompoms (or beads) and compare their weight on a scale. 1.GM.2.5 Use standard and nonstandard tools to identify volume/capacity. Compare and sort containers that hold more, less, or the same amount,  1.N.1.2 Use concrete representations to describe whole numbers between 10 and 100 in terms of tens and ones.
Social Studies:
We’re Going on a Bear Hunt: Map Making--We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
From Farm to Store: Students will be lead to discuss where our fruit comes from (Pebble Go Consumers and Producers)
Content Standard 2: The student will describe the characteristics of the American economic system

Bears and Their Habitats: PebbleGo
Blueberries for Sal: Compare and contrast the mother bear, human mother, and how they care for their children.
1-LS1-2 Students who demonstrate understanding can: Read text and use media to determine patterns in behavior of parents and offspring that help offspring survive. 1-LS3-1 Students who demonstrate understanding can: Make observations to construct an evidence-based account that young plants and animals are like, but not exactly like, their parents.

Brown Bear, Brown Bear and/or We’re Going on A Bear Hunt: Retell and Share stories via Shadow Puppet 1.7.W.1 Students will select and use appropriate technology or media to communicate with others with guidance and support. Students will use visual displays to support verbal communication and clarify ideas, thoughts, and feelings.

The Little Mouse, The Big Hungry Bear, and the Red Ripe Strawberry: Make a house for Little Mouse and use the house in retelling. Math:While not meeting this standard exactly it is an opportunity to explore and create using nonstandard measurement in an authentic way: 1.GM.2 Select and use nonstandard and standard units to describe length and volume/capacity ELA1.2R1 Students will retell or reenact major events in a text, focusing on important details to recognize the main idea

Make and Disguise a Red Ripe Strawberry (could be take home) This will be in conjunction with the “I would disguise my strawberry as____” assignment.

Brown Bear, Brown Bear (Eric Carle): Painted Paper and Collage...

There are so many ways to build on this unit.  What would you add?